2 - Zum Buckleter Kapf
Half-day hike to the Buckleter Kapf viewpoint and the Höllenlöchern, spectacular deep gaping cliff crevices with high rock walls.
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
Aussichtsreich / Geologische Highlights
On this circular tour, hikers enjoy special views of the landscape around Bad Urach. The two scenic viewing points "Buckleter Kapf" and the "Nägelesfelsen" offer panoramas of the surrounding Ermstal, the Hohenurach castle ruins and the Maisental. The highlight of the tour is the walk through the Höllenlöcher, spectacular deep gaping cliff crevices with high rock walls.
Top tip
Discover our 5 premium hiking trails Grafensteige: Wasserfallsteig, Hohenurachsteig, Hochbergsteig, Hohenwittlingensteig or Seeburgsteig. All premium hiking trails are suitable for sporty and sure-footed hikers and lead you to the most beautiful places in Bad Urach.
Detailed Directions
From the start point, the P1 car park, the route runs through the residential area of Breitenstein up to the edge of the forest. Via the streets Immanuel-Kant-Straße and the Eichhaldestraße, the route branches off at Felsenhau and Am Forst and we reach the Felsenhausträßle, which continues along the edge of the forest. We follow thei trail to the right uphill to a bench. Here we turn left into an Albvereinsweg. The path now leads quite steeply uphill, past a shelter through the hillside forest - we have to overcome a difference in altitude of around 280 m to the Buckleter Kapf viewpoint.
The Buckleter Kapf (732 m) is a protruding mountain cliff that offers a good view of the Ermstal with the towns of Dettingen/Erms and Metzingen. From our detour to the viewpoint, we first walk 200 m back on the path we already know. Then we descend into the valley and hike in a southeasterly direction. After approx. 1.4 km, a narrow cul-de-sac branches off to the right to the Nagelesfelsen (737 m). The view from there is impressive, especially of the Hohenurach fortress ruins (692 m), the spa area and the Maisental valley behind it.
We go back to the Traufweg path and turn right into it. After about 400 m we keep to the right and reach the Höllenlöcher, spectacular deep gaping cliff crevices. With due caution and good shoes, one can hike through the second (the widest) crevice. The walk through the chasm with its high rock sides into which trees roots are gripping the cliff face, is a special experience.
Our hiking route continues along the mountain edge to the mountain spur and then downhill from there through the forest. At the crossroads at Samuelstein we reach the residential area again, then we turn right into the Kolzentalsträßle, which runs along the edge of the forest. After around 600 m this leads into Breitensteinstrasse, which takes us down into the valley and back to our starting point, the P1 car park in the Bad Urach spa area.
Sturdy walking boots, hiking poles and sure-footedness are recommended for this tour.
Safety instructions (Editor's note)
Our circular tours are not walking, but hiking trails. Sturdy shoes, hiking poles and sure-footedness are recommended for all tours. Particularly after and during rainfall and in the winter months, the limestone rock and soil can be very slippery, especially on slopes. We also point out the presence of natural forest hazards. We ask you to exercise caution.
In an emergency, always dial the number 112. If necessary, please mention that the people involved in the accident are in inaccessible terrain, so that the Bad Urach mountain rescue service is also informed and there is no unnecessary loss of time during the rescue.
On the hiking signposts of our trails, you will find a plaque with the exact location number on it. The location number consists of the letters BU and a max. 4-digit number. Communicating this number to the control centre in an emergency, helps to provide assistance faster.
Please note the current safety instructions.